Micromance Magazine:

Where a little love goes a long way.

Micromance Magazine is a new kind of literary journal dedicated to a beautiful marriage between Romance and Flash Fiction.

The EIC, G. Lynn Brown, has a soft spot for writing both romance and flash fiction. Many of her stories and drabbles lean toward the genres of romance and “chick lit,” and when she began submitting her work she found it difficult to get certain stories placed. She noticed there were many journals dedicated to horror and speculative/Sci-fi, and most claim to accept any genre of fiction, but hardly any focused on romance/women's fiction. So, she decided the best way to remedy that was to establish a community for writers, (especially , but not limited to, women) with great love stories to tell. If she wrote and had a passion for romance written in flash, surely others did, too… and so Micromance Magazine was born!

Meet the Editor in Charge:

Some of you may know G. Lynn Brown from her time as a Poetry and Flash Fiction judge at Fictionette and Secret Attic. Some of you may have just seen her around - on X, in Spillwords Press or on FridayFlashFiction.com, among other places in the Writing Community.

But for those who don't know her, G. Lynn has had nearly 100 pieces of dribble, drabble, poetry and short stories published in dozens of different publications, has been nominated for the Pushcart Prize for her drabble, “Her Best Bud,” and has received the Socialite of the Year award from Spillwords Press, among other nominations of recognition. See her portfolio here:

G. Lynn Brown Writing Portfolio

Along with writing, G. Lynn is also a published digital illustrator, an editor, and a contest judge. As much as she loves writing, she also loves the behind the scenes aspects of the literary world and encouraging other writers to be the best they can be. She has big plans for Micromance Magazine in regard to making it a place to spotlight great writing talent, always putting the contributors first.

G. Lynn thanks everyone who took the time to stop by Micromance Magazine and read the “about section.” She's much appreciative of the interest and hopes you will share with friends and, she also hopes to see you submitting very soon! She looks forward to reading all your awesome stories!

Stay up-to-date

As Micromance grows, G. Lynn has many great ideas to keep it growing, such as contests, anthologies, and more, so be sure to subscribe and follow the progress of this great new literary journal.

Micromance Magazine on X

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The only independent literary journal 100% dedicated to the romance genre. We feature all sub genres of romance told in 75-1200 words, as well as romantic poetry. All writers welcome to submit and join our community of readers and contributors...


The only indie lit journal 100% dedicated to the romance genre. Love stories told in 75-1200 words, romantic poetry...